
Dr. Vidwan Vedashrava Sharma

Vamsha Vaidhya Award Winner

Category: Vamsha Bhushan

The Journey of Sasya sanjeevini Panchakarma Center


Past three generations practiced at home. From the 4th generation onwards, we started a Panchakarma Hospital and then a Yoga center since 2011. Nadi Pareeksha, Single drug therapy & Formulations knowledge transformed from generation to generation. Now we have expanded all the branches that we had before. We now have a Hospital, an Herbal Garden, a Kayakalpa Temple, a Yoga shala, a Yaga shala, a Goshala & an Ashram.

Details of Ancestors

Generations of Vaidhyas

65 Years of practising

Brahmarshi Daivarata sharma &
Smt. Shradhadevi

Recognitions & Awards

Vedavachaspati Title in B.H.U

45 Years of practising

Vedamurty. Somashrava Sharma

Recognitions & Awards


55+ Years of practising

Vidwan Vedashrava Sharma
12+ Years of practising

Dr.Patanjali Sharma &
Dr.Soumyashree Sharma

Educational Qualification
Dr.Patanjali Sharma -
 BAMS , M.S(C&P), YIC.
Dr.Soumyashree Sharma - BAMS. MD (Panchakarma)

The Vision statement of Institution


To give the best possible treatment and result for each and every patient.

A Memory that's etched deeply in the journey


Wonderful results in Panchakarma.

Torch Bearer

Lots of work and effort required.

Your inspiration to choose Ayurveda

To continue the tradition of practice.

Few words about your Guru

My Father Vaidya Vedashrava Sharma

Personal Vision

Globalisation of Ayurveda.

Message to Youngsters

Adopt Ayurveda, Stay with Nature.

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