
Dr. S.P.Dixit

S.V.Ayurvedic College, Tirupati

The Journey of S.V.Ayurvedic College


My father, who belonged to very remote and small village of western UP, struggled and made his path to glory by starting his journey as ayurveda from Jhansi to Lucknow, Varanasi, (UP), GWAHATI (ASSAM) and to extreme south, an unknown territory, unknown language in Tirupati, he was known for the treatment of jaundice, which was epidemic to this area, introduced ayurveda in Homeopathy dominant area, with introduction of YOGA into many lives. It all started with one room to magnificent institute standing tall as best institute in south India. 

I was just seeing this through my eyes not hoping that I will be a part of such a pious goal in future. Joined the dads institute in 1992, was not an easy thing. Comparison was always there with this stalwart who started any speech with Geeta shloka and ended with Shloka from any of Vedic scriptures, his knowledge on current scenario, global research to global politics was amazing, standard English to hardworking nature was always on the scale of comparison.  

I came from an English medium school and joined institute of Telugu medium, being from KVT, schooling I struggled to understand and read Telugu books. Then my struggle started. I first learned Telugu alphabets with the help of Sanskrit sir and friend dr Katyayini and others. I used to hear class in Telugu, read subject in Hindi and write my examination in English, spontaneous translation during exams. (As I was not a kind of girl to write notes and prepare).

I was Thorne in the eye of many, as being principal’s daughter there was hate and love situation in the college among students and teachers. Struggled with getting good grades, as all personal grudge on principal reflected during viva even love too. But it was the earlier one the most, I finished my BAMS with my friends helping me in Telugu and going for combined studies. 

Later, I went on to pass 2nd language test for Telugu conducted by APPSC, now am very good at it.

From 3rd year onwards (during vacations) few of us started attending PG coaching with seniors. This helped me to crack BHU entrance.

The BHU was different experience, it molded me as more confident and strong person. The teachers of BHU shaped us in every angle from teaching to research. This certificate and 3 years changed my life.

After the completion of my MD in 2001, I joined as Ayurvedic Expert in TKDL, New Delhi, this changed my whole prospective of Ayurveda, though it was very tough to work as it was beginning of new era to use IT into Ayurveda. Here I came across many books of Ayurveda, it was refining my knowledge and skills on computers. Fastest finger on computer was noted and required in NISCOM.

Later in March 2002, I have joined as Ph D scholar along with Senior Residency. This was unknowingly altering me as a teacher from student, Ph.D had a very new topic, took all my energies, though I was in a family way, I went across all department of BHU for the topic even New Delhi with 2 ½ month kid for gathering the information needed. It was again a new and great experience as researcher. 

Later in 2005, I had a break of 5months and got call letters from NIMS, Rheumatology dept. as senior Project expert and as Scientific Officer, AYUSH, in APSLDTL Hyderabad. I took the latter. It was again a new dimension added to my experience. Drug testing was very new at that time, it was a great challenge. learning through experience I gained a lot of knowledge in this field. 

Then came Dday, I gave interview and succeeded as lecturer of the institute once established by my father, later as student and now as faculty. Wonderful experience. But with lot of challenges. Gone through every challenge which was only sharpening me and defining into better teacher.

The journey goes on. Now as professor, guide for MD and Phd and superintendent of hospital, am into a direction to work for the betterment of ayurveda and to provide the best treatment to patients.

Details of Ancestors

Generations of Vaidhyas

From 1966

Dr S P Dixit



Recognitions & Awards

CCIM member
Biographical Nate-Asia’s whos who men and women (Asia 1989) SRO, Indian Institute of research in yoga and allied sciences, Tirupati.
ARO, Clinical Research Enquiry (CCIRM&H, Govt.Of India, New Delhi

15 years of practicee

Dr Renu Dixit



Recognitions & Awards

Recognised guide of Dr YSR UHS, senate membeer , Dr YSR UHS, adjust faculty of DMIMS,Deemed to be university, Wardha, directory,AP,AAPNA, Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America, INC., USA,member ,performance review committee, CSIR-TKDL, NewDelhi, ethics committee member of IEC, S V AY.College, Tirupati,member of academic council of USCEFI, Hyderabad.

The Vision statement of Institution


It is one of the best hospitals in the state, want to see as State of Art Hospital in India.

A Memory that's etched deeply in the journey


I have been through every stage all alone without any godfather, when few the teachers wrote off, my father called and told me, “the marks what u get in UG doesn’t matter, if u want to prove these people wrong, get PG seat in BHU, It will  be a slap on the face of all the people who gave u less marks”

My father was always a guiding factor as I always dreamt of all the degrees he had, behind my name too.

Tourch Bearer

I had lot of love for ayurveda and from start of my career like my Dad, my Guide Prof V.K.Joshi, who always said “there is lot of future for Ayurveda.”

I see this happening today and see brilliant future for ayurveda.

Your inspiration to choose Ayurveda

My Father Dr S.P.Dixit, D.Ay.M., Ph.D. (BHU), Redt. Principal, S.V.Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Tiruapti.

Few words about your Guru

Dr S.P.Dixit, Redt. Principal, S.V.Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Tiruapti. My mentor, guide and Philospher.

Dr.V.K.Joshi ji. Retd Dean, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi. My Guide

Dr.K.N Dwivedi ji, Dean, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi. My guru, always there to help.

Also I have taken suggestion from time to time during my journey as student and as Physician too from-

Acharya P.V.Sharmaji,

Prof. P.V. Tiwari ji,

Prof. Chunekar ji.

Personal Vision

Ayurveda the traditional system of medicine, should be supported and taken along with modern medicine, in the Allopathy colleges, universities and in the IITs and top National hospitals for research. It should become main system of healing in india and world, reach to past glory.

Message to Youngsters

“Believe in you and your system” develop confidence and have faith. Deep understanding of Ayurveda will take u to next level, so aim High, Study hard and reach to great heights.

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