
Dr.P.Jayaprakash Narayanan​

Vamsha Vaidhya Award Winner

Category: Vamsha Shree

Details of Ancestors

Generations of Vaidhyas

1st Generation

Vaidhyar Saethu Pillai
2nd Generation

Valangaipuzhi Pandidhar
3rd Generation

Vaidhyar Dakshnamoorthy
4th Generation

vaidhthiyar Pithchaiya Pillai
5th Generation

Maruthuva Gnanayer Pudhumai Vinayagam
6th Generation

Prof. Dr.P.Jayaprakash Narayanan M.D (Siddha)
7th Generation

Dr.J.P.Venthamarai Selvi M.D (Siddha)


Recognitions & Awards

Best Doctor Award by Government of Tamil Nadu in the year 2017

The Vision statement of Institution


Optimal health for all through Siddha system of Medicines.

The Journey of Aringnar Anna Hospital of Indian Medicine


I was posted as Scrutinizing Medical officer (1/C) for 7 years in Directorate of Indian Medicine. Nearly 1084 manuscripts of Siddha and Ayurveda were dumped in a room with least care. When I first entered that room, tears started flowing from my eyes seeing the pathetic condition of such valuable treasure of Indian medicine (manuscripts). The very next day I placed a photo of saint Agasthiyar in that manuscript room and started praying for his divine guidance. Something guided me prompting me to take up the digitization of the manuscripts.

I am purely a Clinical person, with no knowledge about digitization. I officially represented for manuscripts digitization to the Director of Indian Medicines. I received a reply stating that the department had no funds allotted for manuscripts. Except for my divine guru, there was no one else to encourage me for the digitization initiative. This was a very expensive affair involving lakhs of rupees. 

After a few months, by the grace of saint Agasthiyar, Tamil Virtual Academy, a Department of Tamil Nadu came forward to digitize all the 1084 manuscripts at the cost of Rs.3 Lakhs. The project was totally free on our side and was completed in 2 years. Now all the 1084 manuscripts have been digitized and stored in a small hard disk for future generations. Thanks to saint Agasthiyar for this great miracle.

A Memory that's etched deeply in the journey

After COVID 19 there is a great reception for Siddha and Ayurveda amongst the general public. It is high time to establish the treatment for Cancer and Fertility through Indian System of Medicine.

Torch Bearer

To establish a holistic Health care centre and a beach resort for Siddha which contains all 32 types of external and 32 types of internal Siddha treatment in it.

Few words about your Guru

  1. Prof. Dr.P.Jayaprakash Narayanan M.D Siddha Former Vice Principal Govt. Siddha Medical College
  2. Dr.Sowri Rajan RIMP 
  3. Dr.Nellai Nayakam

Message to Youngsters

Spirituality is the secrete to successfully establish Siddha and Ayurveda Science. So start your career with individual discipline to be successful.

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