
Dr. Malavi Shayan

Vamsha Vaidhya Award Winner

Category: Vamshodaya

The Journey of  Inchara Ayur Kuteera


Soon after the completion of his degree, Dr. Vasukishayan began his clinical practice. Being service minded and with the pure intention of giving back his contribution towards the betterment of his native and his fellow villagers, he founded his first clinic, ‘Atharva Clinic’ in one of his native villages, Somenahalli, belonging to Chikkaballapura district of Karnataka. Operating a clinic in a remote village has its own challenges, financial and the crowd mentality. Service to his native was the main motto, however, he couldn’t make any basic living out of the clinical practice there, and there was no financial support from his parents as well. So, he had to shift his clinic to Bengaluru. While this clinical practice was going well, he couldn’t settle with this as he always wanted to serve people. He went back to another native village Gudibande, belonging to Chikkaballapura district of Karnataka, to give a second chance. However, the result turned out to be the same. On a positive side, he fulfilled his wish by serving 5 years at his native.

At the end of 1986, he came back to Bengaluru and founded a full-fledged clinic ‘Malavi Clinic’, named after his daughter. Malavi Clinic operated for about 28 years and got recognized by the people of South Bengaluru area as the go-to place for all heath issues.

Graduated from an Allopathic and Ayurvedic combined degree, without getting any proper guidance about Ayurvedic clinical practice, Dr. Vasukishayan had practiced Allopathy for about 15 years, post which he stopped Allopathy completely and started pure classical Ayurvedic practice. He found out his own wonderful combinations to treat various chronic diseases. During this journey, he mastered administration of rasoushadhas for chronic cardiac, renal, respiratory, and various other disorders. He has successfully cured and controlled various tough fighting diseases.

In 2008, along with Malavi Clinic, he in parallel founded ‘Inchara Ayur Kuteera’, which is currently handled by Dr. Malavi Shayan. Following his footsteps along with his guidance and support, today, Inchara Ayur Kuteera, is a complete solution for classical Ayurvedic treatment with Panchakarma facility.

Details of Ancestors

Generations of Vaidhyas

41 years

Dr. Vasukishayan G. V.


Classical ayurvedic practitioner, specialized in rasoushaha treatment for cardiac and chronic metabolic disorders.

13 years

Dr. Malavi Shayan


Classical rasoushadhis in clinical practice.

The Vision statement of Institution


Inchara Ayur Kuteera aims to encourage the use of classical Ayurveda and promote it among the public. We also aim to help budding Ayurvedic doctors to develop their skills and knowledge in practice.

A Memory that's etched deeply in the journey


The major turn-around of the institution is the transition of Dr. Vasukishayan’s clinical practice from Allopathy to Classical Ayurveda. Dr. Vasukishayan’s son, Anuj Shayan, was suffering repeatedly from fever, respiratory problem, digestion issues, at the age of 7 months and he had become very weak without any food intake. He was treated with all the best possible Allopathic treatment by Dr. Vasukishayan, other Allopathic general practitioners and pediatricians, and all that could not be of any help. Every person had left the result to God’s grace. Finally, Dr. Vasukishayan had to use his Ayurvedic graduate education to re-visit the Ayurvedic granthas (texts) and treated his son successfully & saved his life. After this instance, Dr. Vasukishayan studied numerous granthas, came up with his own wonderful medicine combinations, brought up various administration methods and became an eminent rasa-vaidya. This immense knowledge is carried and enhanced forward by his daughter, Dr. Malavi Shayan.

Torch Bearer

To enhance the awareness of Classical Ayurveda, not just as a way of treatment for health issues and patients. Instead, it should be promoted for the fit and fine younger generation to enhance their physical & mental health, to prevent health issues, and as a whole to lead a healthy and happy life.

Your inspiration to choose Ayurveda

Growing up in an Ayurvedic family, I had come to know that Ayurveda is not just a medical science, but it is a way of life. Ayurveda with its various branches like yoga, pranayama, dhayana, aahara and much more, helps to lead a healthy and calm life. Hence, Ayurveda means “knowledge of life with well documented medicinal system”. I feel proud to have chosen not just a medical science, but a lifestyle.

Few words about your Guru

To enhance the awareness of Classical Ayurveda, not just as a way of treatment for health issues and patients. Instead, it should be promoted for the fit and fine younger generation to enhance their physical & mental health, to prevent health issues, and as a whole to lead a healthy and happy life.

Personal Vision

To enhance the awareness of Classical Ayurveda not just as a way of treatment for health issues and patients, instead, for the fit and fine younger generation to enhance their physical & mental health, to prevent health issues, as a whole to lead a healthy and happy living.

Message to Youngsters

क्वचिद्धर्म: क्वचिन्मैत्री क्वचिदर्थ: क्वचिद्यश:

कर्माभ्यास: क्वचित् चैव चिकित्सा नास्ति निष्फला ।।

When we perform chikitsa, we accomplish lot of things. To name a few, through the words of Charaka, we partially accomplish dharma and develop our social relationships, we also can attain our financial needs & can gain popularity in the form of successful treatment. In this way, our karmaabhyasa – practising Ayurveda, never fails.

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