
Dr. Ganjam Krishna Prasad

Vamsha Vaidhya Award Winner

Category: Vamsha Shree

The Journey of Charaka Ayurveda Asramam


After completing my B.A.M.S in 1995 from Government Ayurveda Medical college, Guntur, I was  strongly determined to start an Ayurveda Vaidya Shala. In 1975-1976, after lot of struggles I could  start one Ayurveda Vaidya Shala, in a small village in Andhra Pradesh. My confidence was boosted  with this experience, and I decided to go for Post-graduation (MD in Kaya Chikitsa) from Government  Ayurveda Medical college, Hyderabad (Osmania University). I completed my PG from 1977-1980 and  again decided to start an Ayurveda Vaidya Shala in Hyderabad. I was struggling financially hence  asked help from other Ayurveda Vaidya colleagues, but none of them showed interest in practicing  Ayurveda. 

I somehow arranged 300 Rs. in those days and took a room for 100 Rs/month and started Charaka  Ayurveda Clinic. Almost after 12 years I decided to convert this clinic into an Asramam dedicated to  serve all needy and poor, irrespective of their financial status. I continued to serve people in nearby  slums, orphanages, old age home by conducting Health Awareness programs on basis of  SwasthaVritta principles, promoting healthy lifestyle by following 3 pillars of healthy living viz. Ahar,  Nidra and Brahmacharya/Vyayam. This was done with an aim to make a disease-free community.  While all this was in progress, I was also determined to protect environment by promoting save  water, usage of eco-friendly bags, promoting cow based organic farming. 

Details of Ancestors

Generations of Vaidhyas

1750- 1798
Pedda ganjam in Andhra pradesh

Dr Ganjam Narasimhacharyul U
1775- 1832
Gummadip undi in Andhra Pradesh

Venkata charyulu
1800- 1849
Gummadip undi in Andhra Pradesh

Dr.Ganjam Lakshmanacharylu
1830- 1879
Gummadip undi in Andhra Pradesh

1855- 1906
Devarampa du village in Andhrapradesh

1885- 1915
Gummadip undi in Andhra Pradesh



Daivavyapasraya Chikitsa


1910- 1929
Gummadip undi in Andhra Pradesh

Dr.Ganjam Purushottamachar yulu


Daivavyapasraya Chikitsa.


1938- 2001
Karavadi village in Andhrapra desh

Dr.Dr Ganjam Venkata Lakshminarayanac haryulu


Satvavajaya Chikitsa



1965 -2013

Dr Ganjam Purushottamachar ulu



Recognitions & Awards

IST bestthesis award from Kottakal.

Fellowshi p Award from RAV New  delhi.

1975 - present

Dr Ganjam Krishna prasad



Recognitions & Awards

Uttamavaidya  award1999, Ayurvedavaida vidyanmani award 2019, 
Fellowship Award 2017 from RAV New delhi.

1996 - Present

Dr Gayatri Devi


Sandhivata,vatavyah, Charmarog, streevyadhi

Recognitions & Awards

Proficient Doctor award 2021

2008- Present

Dr.Ganjam Bhagavat


Kayachikitsa & panchakarma.

2013- Present

Dr Ganjam Jitamanya


Shalyachikitsa &  Gudavikara

The Vision statement of Institution


To develop Charaka Ayurveda asramam into multi-specialty (ashtanga ayurveda vaidyashala)  hospital and research institute to train upcoming ayurveda students into best future vaidyas by  giving them maximum practical exposure. 

To minimize environmental pollution such as land, water & air which is now a major root cause for  several disease & ailments, especially life-threatening Carcinomas, by protecting nature and working  on it with available organic and chemical free ecofriendly resources and methods. 

A Memory that's etched deeply in the journey


When my parents took a decision to admit me in Ayurveda Graduation course is unforgettable  memory in my life

Torch Bearer

Western medicine works instantly and provides temporary relief, but it is well known that it also has  long-term side effects which may cause several new diseases, which is now very evident to a  common man. Thus, people across the globe are now showing interest in taking ayurveda treatment  which is time tested and reliable with no side effects. 

Hence, I feel that upcoming ayurveda practioners must be well prepared to handle the increasing  demand to Ayurveda and show good results and propagate the greatness of our indigenous and  most ancient medical system across the globe 

Your inspiration to choose Ayurveda

My father Dr. G.V. L . NARAYANACHARYA “Ayurveda Bhishak”

Few words about your Guru

Prof. Pranacharya Divi Rangacharyulu (Principal S.R. Govt. Ayurveda College, Guntur, Andhra  Pradesh) 

Personal Vision

To make Ayurveda treatments available to all the poor and needy people

Message to Youngsters

Time is the most precious and powerful things than other things in life. So, utilize it wisely. Continue  to interact regularly and discuss with senior and experienced practioners of Ayurveda. With this you  will develop your practical knowledge along with theoretical knowledge. By practicing all the Gunas  

of Vaidya as told in Samhitas one can be an Ideal Ayurveda Vaidya. Today, entire world is looking  towards yoga and ayurveda with a hope, hence it’s our duty to serve entire mankind with ayurveda  so, be prepared for it.

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