
Dilip Prabhakar Gadgil

The Journey of Amrutaveda Chikitsalaya


I passed my BAMS in 1979 and started Ayurvedic practice at my home in Mumbai. I had completed Sanskrit Parangat (M.A.) along with my Ayurvedic studies. Subsequently, I completed M.Phil. in Sanskrit in the year 1982. In 1985, I completed my M.D. in Samhita and in 1991 I got my Ph.D. degree.
I started practicing in a polyclinic in 1983. In 1985, I received my first case of a very advanced cancer. The expected survival was only 15 days. By the grace of God, and guidance from my Guru Vaidya Madhav Kolhatkar, I could treat the patient successfully and the patient survived for 33 long years thereafter. This was a turning point in my practice, and since then I am getting cancer patients from all over India and abroad.
In 1986, I opened my own clinic in Sadashiv Peth. I repaid the loans in three and half years, and purchased a plot with a new loan.
I was very fortunate to work on a gigantic research project named “Ayurvediya Triskandhakosha” from 1989 till 2008 (19 years). The idea was conceived by my Guru Vaidya Madhav Kolhatkar. After his sad accidental demise on 6th November 1992, the entire responsibility feel onto my shoulders. With great struggle, I completed the project resulting in 3 volumes of Hetukosha (3200 pages), 3 volumes of Lakshanakosha (3200 pages), 7 volumes of Aushadhakosha (8000 pages), and Ayurvedic Diagnostic and Treatment Software based on Bruhat-trayi. I was felicitated for this accomplishment by the then Vice-President of India, Honourable Bhiaronsingh Shekhawat and the then Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Sri Vilasrao Deshmukh.
Now I am working on Pratipadika Kosha since 2011, which will encompass all possible Ayurvedic texts and will also result in Ayurvedic Diagnostic and Treatment Software along with Dravya-guna-karma kosha.
Currently, I am practicing Ayurveda especially in life-threatening diseases like cancer, heart diseases, etc. I have published many books in Marathi and English on cancer, lifestyle, and investing in health.

Details of Ancestors

Generations of Vaidhyas

Vaidya Dilip Prabhakar Gadgil

The Vision statement of Institution


A global healthy society through natural lifestyle, natural food, Yoga and exercise.

A Memory that's etched deeply in the journey


Felicitation at hands of the then Vice-President of India, Honourable Bhiaronsingh Shekhawat and the then Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Sri Vilasrao Deshmukh.

The sad demise of my guru.

Torch Bearer

Ayurveda should become the preferred medical system, by choice, across the globe.

Your inspiration to choose Ayurveda

I feel fortunate to miss the admission to MBBS by 1% marks. That is why, I had this opportunity to learn the great science of Ayurveda, with the inspiration from my Gurus.

Few words about your Guru

Vaidya Madhava Kolhatkar remains my main mentor. Others influenced me a lot. To name a few:
Vaidya S D Phansalkar
Vaidya Venimadhavshastri Joshi
Vaidya A V Datar
Venkateshshastri Joshi (Sanskrit)
Bhagwatguruji (Sanskrit)
Maratheguruji (Philosophy)

Message to Youngsters

Ayurveda is great. Even sky is not the limit. Rigorous efforts in proper direction are required to achieve the goals. Keep on memorizing Ayurveda Sutras, learn Sanskrit to understand the texts and their commentaries, get practical experiences from eminent Vaidyas in Panchakarma, Rasashatra, Diet, Nadi etc. to enrich your knowledge and

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