Dr.Dasadi Avinaash Kumar
Vamsha Vaidhya Award Winner
Category: Vamsha Vibhushan
Dr. Dasadi Avinash kumar
Sri Gayathri Ayurvedic clinic
The Journey of Sri Gayathri Ayurvedic clinic
My journey with Ayurveda has been aspiring, beautiful and eternally satisfying through serving different diseases and people. I struggle a lot to learn every bit by being part of my family members and professionals. With God’s grace and blessings, we have had many miraculous cures in ailments such as skin disease (psoriasis), gangrene, eczema, gynaecological disorders, arthritis, ailments related to respiratory, liver, thyroid, heart, vertigo, vericose and sexual disorders.
Details of Ancestors
Generations of Vaidhyas
Dasadi venkatiah
Dasadi Rajaiah
55 Years of practice
Dasadi lingayya
Rajavaidyam, nadi vaidyam
30 Years of practice
D. Viyay kumar
25 Years of practice
D. Avinash kumar

The Vision statement of Institution
To work on different unique Ayurvedic preparations, and come out with new innovations that are safe and unique (made in India) products, so that the world should praise Ayurveda, and sanatana dharma, heritage and culture of India.
Our focus is on:
Creation of Ayurvedic contraceptive pill, contraceptive pessaries and suppositories.
Unique preparations for cardiovascular related vericose disorders.
Pure herbal based fat burners and slimming medicines, without any exercises.
Permanent hair remover
Gynaecological complications (fertility related).