
Dr. Shubhankari P Rao

Vamsha Vaidhya Award Winner

Category: Vamsha Bhushan

The Journey of Shubha Ayurvedic Centre


Shubha Ayurvedic Centre, started in 1995 by my parents Dr V R Padmanabha Rao and Dr Shubhankari P Rao. My father, Dr VR Padmanabha Rao has had a lineage of Ayurveda in his forefathers. But taking up as a medical practice was quite a huge step in days where Ayurveda’ popularity was in question. During the 90’s period, the practice of western medicine gained momentum in India with the support of the British and modern education. The practitioners of Ayurveda medicine suffered a great loss of prestige against western claims of being a superior medical system. Ayurveda has successfully survived and flourished over the years of torture. Dr V R Padmanabha Rao and Dr Shubhankari P Rao shouldered the responsibility of reviving the lost importance of Ayurveda by simply showing to the people the amazing results of Ayurvedic medicines. That is when they opened Amruth Ayurvedic Centre and Shubha Ayurvedic Centre. The glory of the aunthentic Ayurveda practice is well known. Continuous dedication to serve people and revive them of their ailments with authentic Ayurveda became the goal. Efforts did not go unnoticed. Their popularity reached new heights with even modern doctors consulting them with their health issues. I remember as a child (12- 13 years) accompanying my mother to her clinic. Her daily activities of beginning the day with a Dhanvantari prayer with her staff, consulting patients, addressing their problems, writing medical articles to promote Ayurveda or getting prepared with case studies to present at medical conferences. One activity which imprints in my head is dedicatingly preparing medicines for her patients. These were the times when not all required medicines were available in the pharmacies, rather preparing them vigilantly made a huge impact and results spoke instantly. As times went on and I had to select a stream my heart and soul had already opted Ayurveda and as I started to read the science, understand the principles it marveled me the way it impacted life and living. To Practice is my dream and remains so, to learn to heal diseases and watch the joy Ayurveda provides is satisfying. My major uplift was marrying my husband, Dr Puneeth Kumar P. our dreams, ideologies and dedication matched and together we opened Sriranga Ayurveda. Today, I am proud of the way we have successfully come up in practice. I saw the struggle my parents did when they practiced, but I also learnt that they enjoyed this growth that they always dreamt of.

Details of Ancestors

Generations of Vaidhyas

45 years of experience

Dr V R Padmanabha Rao


Male Infertility, Skin, Asthma, Bone and joint problems.

Recognitions & Awards

  1. State Award
  2. Kanwashree Award
  3. Kuvempu Vaidya Sahitya Parishad Award
  4. Kannada Sahitya Sammelana Award


Ayurveda Bhushana, Ayurveda Vaidya, Shiromani, Ayurveda Dinakara

41 years of experience

Dr Shubhankari P Rao


Female infertility, Gynaecological problem, Metabollic disorders

Recognitions & Awards

  1. Bangalore University Chess Championship in the year 1978
  2. Third place in State Chess Championship for 1976,1977 and 1978
  3. Yagnavalkya Prashasti - 1999 for 31st Anniversary of Sri Yagnavalkya Seva Trust and Sri Yagnavalkya Yuvaka Sangha
  4.  Ayurvedic Orientation Course 2003
  5.  College athletic Champion for two years 1977 and 1978
  6. Chaitanya Prakashana , Dr r Shantaveerappa Samsmarana Puraskara 2004
  7. Kashyapa Ratna Award- Ayurveda Vaidya Parishat Trust, 20015

The Vision statement of Institution


To make Ayurveda the main stream of medicine the way our ancestors dreamt it to be and the way it is meant to be.

A Memory that's etched deeply in the journey


Many memories of our struggling Practice days which left a special gratitude feeling.

Torch Bearer

Ayurveda is the oldest medical system known to manking . It is because of our ancestors that we have known the precious life science. It is our duty to pass it on to the next generation with respect, love and humility for the benefit of mankind.

Your inspiration to choose Ayurveda

There has not been a single day where I have felt why Ayurveda? It is always been and always will be Ayurveda.

Few words about your Guru

My parents, Dr Shubhankari P Rao and Dr V R Padmanabha Rao. Confidence, discipline and perseverance from my mother. Humility, friendliness with patients, foresightedness are what I saw in my father. I continue to build these qualities.

Personal Vision

It is time we prepare and encourage youngsters to choose their health vision rightly. It is time we educate people the way Ayurveda has flourished through ages. The principles we have learnt in Ayurveda hold good for ages to come that is why it is rightly called “Ayurveda Amruthanam”.

Message to Youngsters

Live physically, mentally, socially and spiritually health with ayurveda.

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